The most important components in achieving educational objectives are the teacher, so teachers as the one who implement curriculum at the school level should understand the need of curriculum. The changing of curriculum always brings big implications to education, because it not only on how to create teaching activity effectively in the class, but also it includes the understanding of teachers in implementing the curriculum.
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The Demand on Teacher In Implementing KTSP and Kurikulum 13 |
The implementation of Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan anda Kurikulum Tiga Belas K.13 demands all of the involved components in this curriculum especially teachers to understand the concept of this curriculum clearly. Honestly, the success or failure the implementation of curriculum is depends on teachers’ ability in actualizes the curriculum in teaching concept. The ability of teaches is concerning with their understanding and skills to implement the curriculum. The demand of KTSP/K.13 on teachers will be described on the following section.
(Baca Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan as A Form of SBCD)
First, In developing KTSP/K.13, teachers are expected to understand student potential. They have to know what students have learned , their students' interests, motivations, possible alternative concepts, and different ways of thinking so that students are able to gain knowledge about what they learned. Teachers also need to know how students to learn best. Teachers are also expected to discover how each student learns and performs and acts as a facilitator, motivator, and perantara in teaching. In the KTSP/K.13, teachers are expected to know about the ability and potential of students, at least cognitive, intelligence, creativity, and physical condition of students. In short the students' knowledge provides an important start of curriculum making which takes into account the class situation. It also provides the necessary conditions for obtaining a "Teach Less Learn More" teaching system that places a high emphasis on student understanding and learning. Besides Curriculum Development is based on the principle that students have a central position to develop the competence to become a man who believes and cautious to God Almighty. Noble, healthy, knowledgeable, competent, creative, independent and become a democratic and responsible society. To support the acquisition of curriculum, the development of curriculum is designed to refer to students' development foundations, needs and interests of students along with environmental demands. That means that student-centered learning activities.
First, In developing KTSP/K.13, teachers are expected to understand student potential. They have to know what students have learned , their students' interests, motivations, possible alternative concepts, and different ways of thinking so that students are able to gain knowledge about what they learned. Teachers also need to know how students to learn best. Teachers are also expected to discover how each student learns and performs and acts as a facilitator, motivator, and perantara in teaching. In the KTSP/K.13, teachers are expected to know about the ability and potential of students, at least cognitive, intelligence, creativity, and physical condition of students. In short the students' knowledge provides an important start of curriculum making which takes into account the class situation. It also provides the necessary conditions for obtaining a "Teach Less Learn More" teaching system that places a high emphasis on student understanding and learning. Besides Curriculum Development is based on the principle that students have a central position to develop the competence to become a man who believes and cautious to God Almighty. Noble, healthy, knowledgeable, competent, creative, independent and become a democratic and responsible society. To support the acquisition of curriculum, the development of curriculum is designed to refer to students' development foundations, needs and interests of students along with environmental demands. That means that student-centered learning activities.
Second, teachers organizes syllabus and teaching materials, translate and modify the teaching material in the classroom situation. They transform teaching materials in the form of meaningful teaching experiences and meet the students' special needs. Most important of all is teachers need to identify key ideas (concepts, issues and themes) that highlight the specific topics of teaching materail. They also need to know the relationships between the unit and the progress involved in developing the idea so that the topic of teaching material are ablr to be understood by students. In the syllabus oraganizing, the teachers should cooperate with other elements of educational elements in modifying add, subtracting material based on school conditions. Mulyasa, (2008: 135)
Third, in terms of instructional designing, Teachers select materials and models through various teaching resources, and they are expected to plan meaningful and reliable student teaching activities. Curriculum development is run by involving elements of certain elements to ensure the relevancy of education to the needs of life, including social life, business world, and the world of work. Muslich, (2008: 11) says, furthermore, the development of individual skills, thinking skills, social skills, academic skills, and vocational skills is important. Teachers need to monitor the intraction with students in determining what is worthy of the experience.
Fourth, teachers create and maintain a classroom environment that is learner-centered and supports higher order thinking and independent learning. The curriculum was developed by taking into value the diversity of learners' characteristics, local conditions, levels and types of education, and respect and not discriminating against religious differences, ethnics, cultural, customs, socio-economic status, and gender. Muslich, (2008:11) states that the curriculum includes compulsory substance of components of the curriculum, local content, integrated development, and meaningful sustained arrangement among the elements.
Fifth, teachers need to know the contexts of their schools and the educational system. They cannot be concerned predominantly with action relating to how to teach specific topics; they must be concerned about policy issues as well. Curriculum enactment needs to be informed by their understanding of the issues and trends in the broader community and the context in which they work, and by the expressed ideas and concerns of parents, school administrators, and policymakers.
Sixth, teachers need to understand the competence standard, In National Law Number 19 Year 2005, about National education standard, it mentioned a minimum standard about education system in whole of Indonesian. National education standard consist of content-standard, Process-standard, facilities-standard, management-standard, funding-standard, and education assessment-standard.
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