
√ Download Perfect Uninstaller Full Version + Serial Number

Download Perfect Uninstaller Full Version  √ Download Perfect Uninstaller Full Version + Serial Number

Assalamualaikum, oke dalam posting kali ini saya akan membagikan salah satu perangkat lunak yang cukup berkhasiat untuk menghapus perangkat lunak (software) yang terpasang pada komputer anda.

Pada dasarnya dikala sebuah perangkat lunak telah terinstal, maka beberapa data disimpan pada direktori tertentu dan pada registry yang mempunyai fungsi sebagai database dari perangkat lunak tersebut. Pada proses uninstall yang biasa dilakukan hanya akan menghapus file utama dari perangkat lunaknya tetapi tidak untuk database dan registry, sehingga berpotensi menjadikan menumpuknya file sampah dan memperpadat registry.

Features (Fitur)

  • Effectively uninstall programs that could not be removed by the standard Windows Add/Remove applet, such as, Adobe Reader, AVG, Internet Explorer,Microsoft Office, McAfee, Norton and much more difficult to uninstall programs.
  • Completely clean the empty / corrupted registry entries that a jadwal leaves over. Protect your registry from empty / corrupted errors and improve your PC performance.
  • Forcibly uninstall any corrupted programs. When a jadwal runs with errors or its own uninstall feature doesn't work, Add/Reove Programs can't uninstall the corrupted jadwal completely. However, Perfect Uninstaller can forcibly uninstall it without any difficulty.
  • Forcibly display and uninstall hidden programs installed on your PC. Once you install Perefct Uninstaller, all the hidden applications which maybe runs without your notice will show up instantly. You can uninstall these applications with Perfect Uninstaller easily.
  • Much faster than the Add/Remove applet. Fast point to the folder where the jadwal is installed, and quickly scan the details of the program.
  • Restore Registry. At any time, you can use the "Option"->" Restore Registry " to restore the registry to a previous state, and restore files from the recycle bin where the files were removed into.
  • Simple jadwal interface. Provide 3 list view styles of programs before uninstall, including Icons, List and Details. Provide 3 options to uninstall, including Uninstall, Special Uninstall and Force Uninstall.
  • System Manager. Backup registry in order to restore system easily when Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/VISTSA32/VISTA64/WINDDOWS 7 crashes. Three ways are available to restore system. Start Manger lets you easily administer which jadwal is launched at the system startup. That is, you can enable, disable or remove the jadwal that could run at the system startup within the two separate lists, Startup List and Restore List. The applications that currently run at the startup are listed in Startup List while Restore List centrally manage a list of the previously disabled applications.
  • Operating System: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP/ Vista32/ Vista64

Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut anda sanggup memakai Perfect Uninstaller yang mempunyai fitur menghapus perangkat lunak beserta seluruh file-file dan database pada registry. Untuk mendapatkannya silahkan anda unduh (d0wnl0ad) pada alamat berikut ini.

Download Perfect Uninstaller V6.3.4.1 [Zippyshare, Mediafire, GoogleDrive]

Untuk menjadikan Perfect Uninstaller sebagai perangkat lunak versi penuh (full version) anda sanggup memakai salah satu diantara nomor lisensi berikut.


Dengan begitu anda sudah sanggup menghapus perangkat lunak apapun yang sudah tidak anda butuhkan. Mungkin cukup sekian dari saya, agar sanggup bermanfaat, bila ada yang ingin teman tanyakan silakan sampaikan pada kotak komentar yang ada dibawah atau sanggup juga melalui halaman contact blog ini. Terima kasih, assalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.
Sumber http://www.maringngerrang.com/
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