
√ In Soil Erosion Conservation Methods Das Cisadane

TECHNOLOGY CONSERVATION LAND RESOURCES"Erosion of the Soil Conservation Methods Das Cisadane"
Cisadane River watershed upstream of the basin is an important role as a source of water and irrigation water for downstream areas (Greater Jakarta). Upstream areas have high rainfall (3500-4000 mm / year), soil Parus and sensitive to erosion.Jabodetabek is the activity of the very rapid development, which is central to the economy and national trade. The surrounding area includes an upstream watershed Cisadane hinterland areas, which mainly supply of agricultural products, so that the exploitation of agricultural land for growing. Often in farming practices emphasize only economic aspects, less heed to aspects of soil conservation and land even used as agricultural cultivation on a very steep, which should only forest allocation. These conditions resulted in higher soil erosion.According Schwab.GO, et al (1981) erosion resulted not only lost ground but plant nutrients, organic matter and fine soil particles will also be reduced from the original land. In the long term erosion will reduce agricultural productivity and cause sedimentation in rivers, reservoirs or lakes, and increasing floods and droughts.The rate of soil erosion is becoming critical when the rate of soil formation is smaller, the greater the difference between the potential erosion of the soil with the formation of the critical condition of the land. According to Wischmeier and Schmidt in Arsyad (1989) factors affecting soil erosion are rainfall, land slope, soil characteristics, vegetation cover and land management. These factors are easily changed is the slope factor, vegetation cover and land management.So to minimize soil erosion can be done by minimizing the influence of the slope factor, ie by dividing the slope widened smaller parts, so that the slope and the length will be reduced (often a terrace). Meanwhile, to minimize the influence of ground cover vegetation can be done, among others, the cropping pattern that combines seasonal and annual crops, soil protection from rain splash with the remains of plants / grass, and planting parallel to contour lines.Soil properties can be improved as a means of erosion control but require a long time is to improve the soil structure to be more crumbs, organic matter content and improve soil permeability. Tillage and the addition of organic matter will improve water system and air-conditioning the soil, increasing the total pore space, improve soil aggregates that increase the ability of soil to drain water and air in the soil. High permeability can reduce the power of water to erode the soil surface.Based on the above, this study aims to assess how much erosion in the watershed upstream Cisadane and how to control it. This information is important as a reference in the context of river basin management Cisadane especially upstream.II CHARACTERISTICS AND PROBLEMS OF ANY LAND
            Observation of the crop and land management factors are made directly to the location of soil sampling. In general, upstream watershed Cisadane utilized for agricultural land without regard to soil and water conservation principles. CP values ​​higher in sample plots S1 and S10. In S1, slopes> 50% of corn planted without erosion control measures such as ridges and terraces. This results in the faster rate of runoff because no part of the flow barrier.Rain erosivityRainfall erosivity index indicates that rainfall plays quite a major impact on the value of potential soil erosion. Energy grains blow rain played a role in the process of particle release and soil erosion due to runoff. Characteristics of rain that have an influence on erosion include rainfall amount, intensity and duration of rainfall. In general, the characteristics of rainfall in the watershed Cisadane both the number and intensity of rain is high so as to have a great influence on erosion.Soil ErodibilitySoil properties that influence erodibility value is permeability, texture, structure and soil organic matter. The results of the soil analysis showed that soil erodibility Cisadane upstream in the watershed range from low to high (Table 3). Plot samples had the highest erodibility values ​​are S1 and S3, amounting 00:51. It shows two sample plots are sensitive to erosion, when compared with other sample plots. S1 high erodibility values ​​as low organic matter content and fine soil structure and high permeability. While in the S3 structure is more rugged and more organic matter, but low permeability. More complete analysis of the soil sample results are presented in Table 4.According to Baver (1956) in Suripin (2004) the sensitivity of the soil to erosion is determined by the simple absence of soil grains are dispersed and suspended by water, soil permeability and grain size that determines whether or not easily transported by water. Therefore, soil aggregate easily dispersed by water (low organic matter content) and a small permeability and grain size of the fine soil, will be sensitive to erosion (erodibility large).Crop and Soil ManagementObservation of the crop and land management factors are made directly to the location of soil sampling. In general, upstream watershed Cisadane utilized for agricultural land without regard to soil and water conservation principles. CP values ​​higher in sample plots S1 and S10. In S1, slopes> 50% of corn planted without erosion control measures such as ridges and terraces. This results in the faster rate of runoff because no part of the flow barrier. So is the S10 sample plot planting on steep slopes without conservation measures.
Agronomic or biological method is the use of vegetation to help reduce soil erosion. Soil and water conservation is the use of vegetative plants or plants and plant waste in such a way so as to reduce the rate of erosion by reducing the destructive force of rain that fell and damaged power runoff. Soil and water conservation through vegetative This can be done in various ways:
1. Land Cover CropsTanman ground cover plants that are planted to protect the soil from erosion, increase soil organic matter, and soil as well as increase productivity.
2. Strip cropping inPertanamn in strips (strip cropping) is a suitable planting some crops are planted in alternating strips arranged in a plot of land and cut slope or contour lines. Tanamn tanamn usually planted crops or crops interspersed with cover crops that grow quickly.3. Multiple croppingMultiple cropping (multiple croping) is useful for improving land productivity while providing protection from soil erosion. This system can be done either by means of successive cropping (cropping squential), inter-cropping (inter croping), or intercropping cultivation (relay croping).
4. Using MulchMulch is the remains tanamn (crop residues) were sown on the soil surface. The advantages of using mulch in terms of other anara conservation; Reducing the rate of erosion of lacing rainwater, reducing runoff volume and velocity, maintain soil temperature and moisture, improve soil structure stability, increase soil organic matter content, controlling weeds.
5. ReforestationReforestation is a suitable way to decrease erosion and surface runoff, especially if done in the upstream catchment area to manage flooding.
B. Conservation In Mechanical
In this case, the mechanical conservation has the function:
1. Slowing runoff2. Accommodating and stream runoff so as not to damage3. Increase the capacity of water infiltration into the soil and improve soil aeration4. Provide water for plants5. Dams or DAM
The mechanical soil conservation efforts include:
a. Soil TreatmentTilth is the mechanical manipulation of the land devoted to creating good soil conditions for plant growth.
b. According to Land Contour TreatmentPlanting and tillage by contour lines can reduce erosion by 50% compared with tillage and planting according to the slope (up-and-down).
c. GuludanMound is a mound of earth (galengan) made lengthwise cut slope. Guludan function is to inhibit the flow of surface water section to save it, and to cut a long slope. Stack height ranges from 25-30 cm to 25-30 cm wide basis. The distance between the ridges varies depending on the steepness of the slope, the soil sensitivity to erosion and rainfall erosivity.
d. TerrasTerras is a mound of earth or cutting pliers made transverse slope, which serves to capture runoff and direct it to a stable outlet or ith speed is not erosive. Thereby allowing water infiltration and reduced erosion.
e. Water DrainTo avoid concentrated runoff disembarang place, which would undermine and jeopardize the land to be passed, so it need a special form of street drains (waterways). So the main goal is to drive the development of waterways and channel surface water at that speed is erosive to an appropriate disposal site water. Channel created dodger on the upper slope of the land, serves to catch water flowing from the slopes above and grassy kesaluran channel.
d. Making DAM or control dams.DAM inhibitors (check dams), pond / reservoirs, and levees are rorak buildings that can be used as a mechanical method in soil and water conservation. The building is in addition to reducing the number and surface kecepatanaliran also force water into the ground that will add or replace groundwater adan groundwater.
C. Conservation Chemically
Chemical method is the act or acts to the ground for increased stability of soil aggregates or soil structure, by giving certain chemical preparations to minimize sensitivity to the threat of land degradation land. One way that is used in the chemical method is to use soil stabilizer material (Soil Conditioner). The aim for meperbaiki state or soil physical properties using chemicals either artificial or natural.

IV Conclusion

Soil erosion in the watershed upstream Cisadane already showing critical levels with indices as very severe erosion hazard and if the condition is left unchecked it will reduce the fertility of the soil, river sediment, and increasing floods and droughts. But when it's done by vegetative erosion control and mechanics will reduce erosion to above 70%.
Sumber http://kickfahmi.blogspot.com
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